
Ever since I saw Julie & Julia many years ago, I’ve been wanting to make a bruschetta that tasted as good as it looked in that movie.  Mission accomplished!


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3 medium tomatoes heirloom and a variety of colors if you can get them.
3 large stems basil
1/2 cup olive oil good quality
4 slices bread hearty, crusty bread is best.

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  • Dice tomatoes.

  • Shred basil leaves.

  • Mix tomatoes and basil in bowl with 1/4 of olive oil, reserving other 1/4 cup for frying.

  • Let this mixture sit for 30 minutes.

  • When the 30 minutes is up, add a generous sprinkling of salt to the mixture and let it sit for another 10 minutes.

  • Now is when you can heat up 1/4 cup of olive oil over medium/low heat.

  • Once hot, fry your slices of bread until golden.

  • Remove bread from pan and top with tomato mixture.