Strawberry Mango Lemonade Smoothie

I couldn’t sleep the other night, so naturally, I started thinking about all the things I needed to do the next day, including clean out the fridge. Which, of course, led me to start taking a mental inventory of everything in our refrigerator and freezer. Then I got hungry. You know how it goes. Anyway, at about 3am, I came up with an awesome idea to make a Strawberry Mango Lemonade Smoothie this week. Guess what? It’s AWESOME!

strawberry mango lemonade smoothie.JPG


2 cups lemonade (I use Simply Lemonade)
1 cup frozen strawberries
2 cups crushed ice
1 cup frozen mango chunks


  • Add frozen strawberries, 1 cup crushed ice and 1 cup lemonade to blender, blend on high 15-20 second or until smooth.

  • Pour strawberry lemonade smoothie into each glass, halfway.

  • Add frozen mango chunks , 1 cup crushed ice and 1 cup lemonade to blender, blend on high 15-20 seconds or until smooth.

  • Pour mango lemonade smoothie on top of the strawberry part.